What is Mind Body Medicine?

Chronic pain and anxiety are two of the most common problems in a primary care office every day, and we’ve been treating them with outdated tools and an outdated understanding of what is causing the problem.

Mind Body Medicine uses a body of clinically tested tools that harness neuroplasticity to treat health problems that haven’t responded to western medical therapies: migraines, anxiety, insomnia and chronic pain, to name a few. Millions of people across the country are depending on opioids, invasive procedures, and ineffective psychotherapies to treat their chronic conditions. As a primary care physician, I grew tired of seeing patients who had been suffering from chronic pain and anxiety for years with no relief.

Instead of doing more tests on the back or the knee or the stomach, Mind Body Medicine turns its focus to the brain, which is controlling the entire body. 

We teach people that anxiety, depression, chronic pain and many other chronic hard-to-explain medical conditions are nothing more than learned behaviors in the nervous system – habit loops in the neural circuitry of the brain. The newest neuroscience of neuroplasticity tells us that these pathways can be rewired.  And the newest neuroscience about mindfulness gives us the tools to make these changes.