Brad Fanestil, MD

I’ve been a board certified Internal Medicine doctor for 33 years. After completing my Internal Medicine residency at UCLA, I began working in a public clinic in Los Angeles. After moving to Boulder I had a traditional Internal Medicine practice for 15 years.

In 2009 I became the Director of Inpatient Care at Avista Hospital where I oversaw the ICU and treated acutely ill patients. In 2011 I began working for Boulder Community Hospital doing the same.

In 2018 I began reading about the new neuroscience of pain and the brain, and I started applying some of these new ideas to my own primary care patients with chronic pain.

In my out patient office, I had been doing my best to help patients deal with their chronic pain and prescribing medications, but many saw no improvement over decades.

My Philosophy

I want to help bring this new neuroscience into the primary care exam room to help patients learn that there is a way to cure or improve most chronic pain and many other hard-to-treat medical problems.

Doctors like scientific data, and the newest neuroscience research is starting to give traditional medical doctors the explanations they need to start supporting new treatment options for patients with many hard-to-treat medical problems.